Poh Ling Yeow is a paid ambassador for the SunRice Group.
The thing that makes food such a driving force in my life, is my love to create. As a painter, there’s nothing more magical than to watch a blank canvas turn into something that has life and form. With food it’s the ability to have a few simple ingredients and be able to transform it into something beautiful & delicious, something that has the power to draw people together. It is the ultimate universal language.
After emerging from my MasterChef roller coaster ride, I expected nothing more than to return to my quiet career of painting, perhaps with secret aspirations to pen a cookbook. Little did I know the opportunity of a lifetime to host my on cooking show was just around the corner. Making “Poh’s Kitchen” wasn’t just about showing people how to make food, what indelibly changed the way I thought about ingredients was meeting the farmers and understanding the value of authenticity and quality, so when the opportunity to partner with SunRice came up, I jumped at the chance.
For me, SunRice is unique because it was formed by Australian farmers. Every time I visit Leeton and commune with these growers, experience the pristine environment in which SunRice rice is grown, there is no doubt in my mind this company takes its rice very seriously. Coming from an Asian heritage, this is how I was raised to think about rice - to value every grain, to place it at the centre of every meal, so it’s with sincere enthusiasm that I share all my favourite rice tips and tricks with you here. Enjoy!